预约上访 *
姓名 *
手机号码 *
上访时间 * 提交 最新限额大赠送 天河CBD云端47楼360度无限窗景 A套餐限额赠送 5人房年租【限额】赠送82800元租金 微企记账再赠送1800元 注册广州公司再赠送1500元 B套餐限额赠送 租CBD旺地47楼云端办公室注册公司 2年租【限额】赠送21600元租金 微企记账再赠送1800元 注册广州公司再赠送1500元 17年诚信品牌,客户满意度99%! 天河CBD云端47楼联合办公空间 大学生创业扶持 0租金,拎包办公,智能会议,创业培训,轻松创业! 专业的一站式服务专家 外资公司注册、变更、年检、出具汇算报告 +广州公司注册+年检+出具汇算报告 +公司注销+补帐+清税+解锁 +报税记账+简易税筹+社保公积金等服务 商城搭建+小程序商城 +电商直播+傻瓜式销售神器 全方位超级销售赠送55000元 要智能销售提高营业收入的企业不妨一试,不达效果不收钱! 点对点商务提供的一站式企业管家服务让我们真正感到贴心的服务和极大的便利,尤其是对于我们外国人。我们确信会将点对点商务推荐给有需要的朋友及合作伙伴。 俄罗斯大型连锁超市1B 大中华区总裁Slava
DDD has been a real helping hand since the beginning, all I need tofocus is my sourcing job, they take care of the rest professionally, trulyappreciated their secretary service to make sure we have a smooth conversationwith prospect suppliers, air ticket booking, hotel reservation, etc. the evenlisted several fine factories with the products we’re looking for. I highlyrecommend their services! Chief Representative ofChina, Slava 1B, Russia 点对点商务的一站式管家服务,让我们发展业务的同时无需再费心公司的运营维护和日常需求,真的是非常贴心。我们有信心可以与点对点商务中心更长久的合作下去。 中侨融资租赁 广州分公司负责人 周小姐
Just like a cozy and warm hotel, I was received by the sweet smile fromDDD receptionist every day, there’s nothing to worry about the office cleaning,internet issue, everything is in order here, all I have to focus is my businessdevelopment, I’m looking forward to long term cooperation with DDD. Guangzhou Representative,Miss Chow Zhongqiao Finance management 我们需要在广州设立一个办事处,只有两名办事人员,点对点商务中心让我们能够享用位于中心地段的**写字楼的同时,省却繁琐的手续以及大量不必要的投入。确实是方便快捷。 新加坡百乐酒店集团广州负责人Sarah Lee
We planned a small starting officewith only 2 staffs, also looking for good location and building quality toreflect the corporate image, but with limited budget, in DDD, we found theright solution exactly to our requirement, we deeply enjoy the hassle-saving,high capability/price ratio products. Officemanager of Guangzhou, Sarah Lee ParkHotel Group, Singapore 点对点万菱汇商务中心以其便利的位置,高端大气的办公配置和多样的专业服务取得了我们日本总公司的青睐,入驻后,服务人员贴心的服务让我们有宾至如归的感觉。 日本酒井医疗广州代表处负责人李小姐
Convenient location at CBD andpremium workspace quality&fitout, along with the professional one-stopsupporting services win the confidence from our Japan head office, we’refeeling home during stay with DDD Commerce. Guangzhou Chief, Miss Lee SAKAIMED, Japan 作为125年的老牌日本企业,在全球经济不景气的前提下,选择点对点服务式办公让我们极大的降低了办公室租金和相关运营成本,以极低成本入驻广州**的CBD写字楼,配套完善的办公室管理和服务让我们感受到了方便和快捷 兼松株式会社广州分公司负责人远滕San
Even with the tag of thelong-history-of-125-years giant company in Japan, we still follow thecost-focus strategy to expand to China, DDD serviced office dramatically savethe cost of upfront cost of our Guangzhou office and bring a fundamental degreeof convenience. BranchManager, ENDO SAN, KANEMATSU CORPORATION, JAPAN |